Make Your Soul Grow by Dogtooth Films on Vimeo
"Finally finding words for feelings, and believing in starting where you are, that’s what this is — the start to a new story and the lessons I’ve pulled out of the ashes of what essentially feels like having lit my life on fire."
Tiramisu and the Table by Heather at Tickled Yellow
"With a table between us and not a place in the world to be, we talked and talked, long after the leftovers had grown cold and stubbornly stuck onto the plates. Topics that were normally skimmed at surface level were now being delved into, mulled over. Hours had passed but, as if hypnotized by whatever magic this table was creating, neither of us wanted to leave and move on to television or email checking or whatever the next thing was."
How to Feel Crazy and Still Make Things by Jen Lee
"This is how it feels to me: making things. I think it's also why promoting anything is such a struggle for me--I just can't get those proud, celebratory, elated moments to last. One minute I post something, the next minute I'm dying to take it back down. A few things help..."
The Pure Pleasure of Not Knowing by Kate at Your Courageous Life
"The quest to know, when it turns into a quest to nail down life into a series of guarantees and absolutes, is one that is exhausting. At the same time, everyone I’ve met who undergoes that quest, pretty much has to travel the same road: the road of trying to nail it down, arrive at solutions, create a world rigidly fixed with safety… before figuring out that that just isn’t possible."
Creation, Consumption and Apathy by Shannon at Awash with Wonder
"The problem with over-consuming the work of other people (or even the lives of other people) is that it robs me of the energy and motivation to create. And when I'm not actively creating something -- no matter what that something is -- I feel less like me. Elizabeth Gilbert once said, "If I'm not actively creating something, chances are I'm about to start actively destroying something." That's me, too. I think that's a lot of people."
On Smiling by Kate at For Me, For You
"I’ve been thinking about this a lot since I started taking more photos of other people, noticing this knee-jerk reaction to having our photos taken that so many women exhibit once the camera is on them. They immediately point out a physical quality about themselves that they hate and hope the photographer can correct for, a look of shame and disgust washing over their faces while they say it. And 99.9% of the time I can never see what they’re talking about. Never."
Six small cities with big food scenes via USA Today Travel
It Happened to Me: A "Bright Eyes" Song Ended My Marriage by Elizabeth for XO Jane
Usually the links I share here are reflective of my current musings; this article is decidedly not, but the writing is just so beautiful and heartbreaking that I had to include it. Just go read it.