Ding, dong, the blog is dead.


This day has been coming for a while. Posts have been obviously dwindling. And I've always said I would call it quits if and when it stopped being fun for me.

This is—and has always been—a personal blog, a place for me to talk about whatever is on my mind. Blogging through much of my twenties meant airing my doubts in a way that was hungry for answers and eager to find something good and positive in each day. Bad jobs, rocky relationships, and questioning your purpose will do that to a person.

Over this time, my posts have grown less personal. It’s admittedly easier to talk about capsule wardrobes, creative projects, and my favorite teas than my inner world. Recently, I’ve realized that the desire to write and share is still there, but I want to do it in a slightly more purposeful, intimate setting—a "safe space" if you will—where my words aren’t declarations but explore just who and where I am in a given moment.

So, I’d like to introduce you to Wandering Thoughts, my TinyLetter newsletter. While my blog may be now dead (and my domain is set to expire at the end of the month), my newsletter will carry on the essence of some of my favorite posts, in a monthly(ish) digest that I hope will feel like a mini-magazine to give you a short, restorative pause in your day.

Each issue will contain a personal letter from me, a curated list of links to articles and items that I’ve been enjoying, and “grab-bag” section that will change depending on the month—things like a recipe, quote, listicle, or photo. These newsletters will be emailed out to your inbox once a month, and I would love if you subscribed so that we can keep in touch. Sure, these posts could continue on my blog, but I'm currently loving the idea of email newsletters for both their intimacy and temporality.

I’m also not disappearing from anywhere else on the internet—at least not yet ;) I still have Twitter and Instagram and appreciate that it allows for a low-pressure way to share my occasional observations and snippets of things I love, as well as the ability to step away when I feel I need to (which is often). I plan to re-start my bookish YouTube channel soon, since I’ve found it a great way to expand my love of good literature into a creative, productive project and connect with a like-minded community—and I hope to expand my video topics to some other issues I am passionate about.

If you’ve been a blog friend for a long time or are a more recent visitor, I want to thank you for joining me here. I’ve made some lovely blog friends over the years and I hope we can stay in touch through other avenues. Wishing you well. XOXO, Caiti.

TinyLetter: Wandering Thoughts
YouTube: caitlindsey (aka, The Book Wanderer)
Instagram: @cait_lindsey
Twitter: @cait_lindsey (if my Twitter account is ever set to private I will still gladly add blog friends, particularly if you tweet me hello first!)
Goodreads: cait_lindsey
Pinterest: cait_lindsey