Long shadows painted across the living room walls at sunset.
Listening to the conversations dog owners have with their dogs while they're out on a walk.
Getting a new magazine in the mail.
Finding the perfect gift for someone.
When it's dark enough to see the stars.
The hiss of car tires on wet pavement.
People who giggle at their own jokes.
When I hear a song that takes me right back to a specific time and place.
The few moments of calm quiet encapsulated in the time it takes to make a cup of tea.
Flannel sheets.
When I'm mistaken for an employee at Barnes & Noble because I look like I know where I'm going (because I do).
Feeling the first sip of cold water (or hot tea) slide down my throat in the morning.
Slipping into pajama pants straight out of the dryer.
Milk swirling down into iced coffee.
The first shower after getting my hair cut.
The tiny crackle of the spine when I open a new hardcover book.
When the sun shines through tree leaves and makes them almost translucent.
When people leave me handwritten notes.
Finding something I've lost as soon as I give up hope of finding it.
Waking up slowly on Sunday mornings.
Fresh lines in the carpet left by the vacuum cleaner.
Finding and picking up coins on the ground.
Specific words/phrases in my vocabulary that I've adopted from someone else (bonus points if the word isn't real except to that person).
The first moment when I can smell something amazing baking in the oven.
What little things make you happy?
Love this, Caiti! Beautifully written & I wholeheartedly agree with all of the things you listed above. My additions to the list: the moment after you finish a good book where you shut it & just live in that world a moment longer, earl grey tea with lots of cream, wearing boots for the first time this season, and lighting a candle in the evenings.