'The Bear & The Hare' - The Making of via Blink
Link Love is a monthly series featuring my favorite links and bits around the interwebs.
The gift of not giving a thing via Yummy Mummy Club
"But what if nobody gave me boys presents anymore? What if they only gave them GIFTS? The gifts of experience, adventure, and more importantly, familiarity that they truly need."
Despite the negative feedback this post has garnered, I totally agree; experiences > stuff, even for kids. Presence > Presents, as one commenter phrased it. I plan to have this same attitude when I have kids.
Why is being yourself so damn hard? via Stratejoy
"You consume so many messages from others—from society, your community, your families—that tell you what is acceptable, desirable, or achievable that you can’t hear the siren song within you."
How to clean and care for your boots via Darling Magazine
"Traipsing around in leather boots can cause damage, making our investment pieces less and less valuable with each winter storm. However, when we take time to take care for our boots they last longer, shed water better, and look their best despite the weather conditions."
How to Love a Girl Who Writes by Kate Bartolotta via Elephant Journal
"Be prepared for her to leave you. Not for long, but there will be those moments where she’s mumbling
and she gets that look in her eyes and you know you’ve lost her. An
idea, a character, a song has caught hold and she must capture it;
she’ll be back."
Roast Chicken Tournament Crowns the Best Recipe Ever via Buzzfeed
"Eight famous roast chicken recipes go head to head in a single-elimination, bracket-style tournament. Like March Madness. Only, with poultry."
Gift Guide for Beauty Lovers via MakeupTIA
While I don't have too many beauty lovers to buy for, I loved Ashley's gift guide, especially the way she packaged and wrapped her gifts. I'm loving the way she has been editing her videos lately!
Gift Guide for Beauty Lovers via MakeupTIA
While I don't have too many beauty lovers to buy for, I loved Ashley's gift guide, especially the way she packaged and wrapped her gifts. I'm loving the way she has been editing her videos lately!
Remember, you said Yes to this via Danielle Laporte
"I realize that my mood is directly affected by my awareness of this fact: I said Yes to most everything that’s in my life. Yes — I want this. Yes — bring it on. Yes — I’m up for this."
The gift of not giving a thing via Yummy Mummy Club
"But what if nobody gave me boys presents anymore? What if they only gave them GIFTS? The gifts of experience, adventure, and more importantly, familiarity that they truly need."
Despite the negative feedback this post has garnered, I totally agree; experiences > stuff, even for kids. Presence > Presents, as one commenter phrased it. I plan to have this same attitude when I have kids.
Why is being yourself so damn hard? via Stratejoy
"You consume so many messages from others—from society, your community, your families—that tell you what is acceptable, desirable, or achievable that you can’t hear the siren song within you."
How to clean and care for your boots via Darling Magazine
"Traipsing around in leather boots can cause damage, making our investment pieces less and less valuable with each winter storm. However, when we take time to take care for our boots they last longer, shed water better, and look their best despite the weather conditions."
Why I cook via Equals Record
"I find solace in the soothing rhythm of the prep work, my knife slicing gracefully through an onion or pile of herbs. I find comfort in the soft thump my oven makes as I open and close it..."