Link Love : March



The Anatomy of Brave by Hannah Brencher
"... this email really bothered me. And it wasn’t her anger that bothered me, it wasn’t her mean words, it was just this: You don’t actually get to stand beside someone and tell them whether or not they’ve reached a level of bravery. You don’t actually get to determine what does or does not make a person brave, or lovely, or worthy, or good. That’s not your right. That’s not your calling. That’s just a tactic to try to keep someone else from reaching their full potential."

Employers: Here's How You're Getting It Wrong by Kate Swoboda via Medium
"It’s not employees who are missing the mark--it’s most employers. You aren’t seeing that you already have the most valuable assets you need, to make a company flourish. It’s as simple as this: treat people like you value them, and they give you value. Once you understand that and put action behind that, things will change."

Orange Almond Fennel Cake by Bird Is The Word
"You name it, I’ve screwed it up. And I think the best, most important thing I have to say to someone worried about and lamenting over failing are the words, “I’ve failed, too. Oh boy have I failed.” It seems every time I’ve swallowed my pride and thrown one of my flops out on the table for all to see, others suddenly feel safe to drop their facades and join in."   

Bed Head: Styling Next Day Hair by Cloudy Apples {video}
Kassie only washes her hair every four days, and she shares her routine and styling tips for each day. So impressive!

The Fit of Clothes by Lost in a Spotless Mind
While my style tends to be more loose and relaxed than this blogger's (though I have a similar figure), I found her breakdown of the fit, lines, and construction of two similar outfits interesting and informative.

How I Stopped Obsessing and Got My Life Back by Allison Vesterfelt
As a fellow sufferer of Analysis Paralysis, I liked this approach to decision making that encourages us to look at the motives behind our decisions as a way to give us some perspective.

Real Talk: The Time I Got Life-Changing Clarity From Using a Compost Toilet in the Desert for Four Days by Life Less Bullshit
I'm finding myself in a state of mind where I'm asking myself a lot of questions, so this post was perfect timing and I connected with all three of the lessons Nicole got out of her retreat.

Writing as a Spiritual Practice with Dani Shapiro by The Good Life Project {video}
Jonathan Fields' interviews are always insightful and inspiring; here, he interviews the author of Still Writing, which I read last month and adored.

Literary City Guides via Eat This Poem 
"Literary City Guides are a travel resource for bookworms who love to eat. Local writers and bloggers share the best bookstores, coffee shops, reading nooks, and restaurants to inspire your next getaway." I've bookmarked Portland and Denver for future visits. 

Kate Middleton is Really Just as Awkward as the Rest of Us via Buzzfeed
Even more reasons to adore Kate.


Happy April, friends!


  1. Some really great links there! Thanks. Where do you find them all? Other blogs? Pinterest? Also I nominated you for the Liebster Award over on my blog :)

    1. Thank you for the award nomination! :)

      The majority of these links came from blogs/YouTubers I already follow! I bookmark good posts as I come across them, and then pick my favorites at the end of the month. The other 1-2 links are either from blogs that I check in with occasionally, or pulled from other people's weekly or monthly favorites posts. I've been sharing monthly links since 2010 (on my old blog ), so I've gotten it down to a science, and I'm proud that I've always gotten good feedback about this post series :)
