Link Love : September


 This post, like my monthly recap, is late due to our vacation, but it's been AGES since I missed a month entirely. Better late than never, right?


Spend the night in the former home of a literary great with these literary listings on Airbnb. Awesome.

My blog friend Analiese wrote about her writing process (and tagged me to do this post, which I hope to share soon!)

Parks & Rec's Andy Dwyer is like a modern day Jack Handy with these motivational posters.

♥ I've long thought that people who run food blogs have the patience of saints to put up with ridiculous reader comments. Here is a humorous roundup of All the Comments on Every Recipe Blog.

A visit to the Neon Museum in Las Vegas. I had no idea such a thing existed!

Yes to all of this: 23 things only people who love spending time alone will understand. After 13 solid days of traveling and being around a minimum of 45 people at all times except to sleep, I literally do not want to speak to ANYONE for the next 72 hours. 

♥ Some good thoughts on social media and oversharing, and how that takes us away from really feeling our experience. This is something that came up several times for me while traveling, as I wanted to document the trip, but I also wanted to be "in it."

Good advice on how to tell when a piece of writing is done.

♥ I've read a lot of different books/articles on life purpose (thanks, quarter-life crisis) but this one from Zen Habits most closely aligns with my own personal beliefs on the topic. I really relate to the bubble idea and know that I've been stuck in it on several occasions.

Science shows some amazing physical and health benefits of being a writer. This is kind of surprising, given the stereotypes of brooding artists and writers.

♥ I'm fascinated by words that exist in other languages that don't translate to English. I just love how some languages have words for something as specific as "the sunlight that filters through trees."


Podcast Loves: I don't have any podcast loves for this time, since I was busy with YouTube and traveling most of this month. You'd think I'd have had time to listen while traveling, but with the constantly changing sights and being surrounded by hoards of people, I felt the need to give my senses a break and just listen to music or sit in silence when we were in transit.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking to my post. And I look forward to reading about your process when you have a chance (but no rush :)).
