2015 Book Bingo

Book Bingo

As I've been thinking about my reading goals for the upcoming year, I've run across a few different reading challenges floating around the internet, and it seemed like a fun way to push myself as a reader. However, no single list felt quite right for my own tastes and reading interests—so naturally, I created my own. And to make the process even more fun and less obligatory, I placed my list onto a bingo board. Now I just need to get myself one of those round bingo markers, and I'll be legit!

I will be going into detail about my 2015 reading goals in an upcoming video on my YouTube channel, but this Book Bingo will be playing a small, fun part in those goals. It will hopefully balance out the more serious goals I have (spoiler alert: reading diversely! social justice!). I won't be stressing about this Book Bingo challenge; I will simply be checking in on occasion to see if I can cross any off the list.

2015 Book Bingo:
○  Book by a debut author
○  Book published in 2015
○  Book that became a movie
○  Book written by someone under 30
○  Audiobook
○  Book set in my hometown of Chicago (or possibly, more accurately, the Chicago suburbs)
○  Book from the bottom of my to-read list
○  A Pulitzer/Man Booker/National Book Award winner
○  Unread book from a favorite author
○  Finish a book in one day
○  Book chosen entirely by its cover
○  A banned book
○  Book I previously started but never finished
○  A single word title
○  Book published by an indie press
○  Set in a country I want to visit
○  Book that librarian or bookseller recommended to me
○  Book from an LGBTQ author or featuring LGBTQ characters
○  A classic
○  A translated book
○  Second chance: A book from an author I didn't care for
○  Underrated book from 2014
○  Over 500 pages
○  Been on TBR (to-be read list) the longest

Do you have any reading goals for the upcoming year? 
Happy holidays, if I don't post again this week, and happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Love this idea!
    My 2015 reading goals include reading a number of 'classics' and books I skipped over in high school ( it's shameful that I've never read Catcher in the Rye). I'm also committed to tackling the books I own, instead of running off to the library without checking out my own bookshelf.
