Project Life : Week 3

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This past week was a bit more colorful than the last with a few more things to be happy about-- the return of GIRLS, a few days of nice weather, some new natural makeup items, my family visiting, seeing a matinee of "Her," and Misfit making it through her surgery like a sport. On my Week in Review card, I included the story of me leveling up my Crazy Cat Lady status and sleeping "sleeping" on the floor of the office with her to make sure she didn't try to chew off the bandage containing her pain medication patch, which she'd been trying to do all day, even while wearing the cone of shame. Needless to say, I got about zero sleep that night which caused Mark to witness a spectacular meltdown on my part upon his waking. Luckily, as always, he was able to dial back my crazy a little and watched the cat while I got a few hours of shut eye.

I'd hoped to add a date stamp under the "Monday" in the weather photo, but I quickly learned that my ink pad is not suitable for glossy photo paper. No matter how long I waited, it wiped off like a dry erase board. It might be time to invest in some Staz-On.

My apologies for the slightly murky, washed-out photos of the spread-- gray skies and snow are haunting the area again, and I wasn't able to squeeze in any good photos beforehand.

Items used: Midnight Edition Core Kit, Photo Pocket Pages variety pack, Smash date stamp, generic black ink pad, Canon Selphy printer, Sharpie Pens, white address labels, Dear Lizzy Thickers in Fantastic, Paislee Press "We Were Here" digital papers, star sequins.

Custom Touches: The weekly title was printed on a card from the Midnight kit using this technique/guide from The Lilypad. The "Rules of a Creator's Life" was a free download from Creative Something, and the GIRLS poster was grabbed from a Google Image search. The Week in Review card was something I threw together and printed on card stock with my laser printer. This was also the first week that I did the layout in InDesign instead of Photoshop, and boy, does that ever save time for me. For a great explanation of the advantages of InDesign over Photoshop, read this post from Pink Ronnie. I too used to be a print designer, and completely agree with everything she said. It means I have to add an extra step after editing my photos in Photoshop, but I'm so quick with InDesign that it actually makes the process easier, not more complicated.

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  1. Love your spread. Totally interested in hearing more about how you use InDesign for PL.

    1. Thank you!

      I'll put together a post about using InDesign for PL soon! Thanks for the feedback :)

  2. Love your PL pages, so clean and bright. My Staz-On black ink pad is a must have item for's totally worth getting one!

    1. Thank you! And good to know you love Staz-On. I'll be picking some up soon!

  3. Your Project Life pages look great! I love the week in review card idea and your minimal and beautifully executed design. I just finished up my 2013 album, so I'm ready to begin on my 2014 one. Looking forward to hearing more about your process. :-)
