Link Love : May


How to access our inner wisdom by Susannah Conway
"If I was to sit down and try to access my ‘wisdom’ all I’d hear would be thoughts, so I have a few tricks that help me side step my overthinky brain and tap into the part of me that’s far wiser than the face I show the world. It starts with a piece of paper and a pen."

19 Late-Blooming Artists Who Prove It’s Never Too Late via Buzzfeed
Lesson: Life is not a race; it's never too late; keep your dream alive; etc...

Our Sexual Assault Problem Is Nuanced, Layered, And Not Easily Solved By A Hashtag by Jamie Varon on Thought Catalog
This piece is long, but very much worth reading, especially if you've followed the #YesAllWomen hashtag on Twitter and the events that surround it. While I don't agree with everything written, I think the perspectives and questions raised in the article bring up sides of the issue that aren't discussed very often. It was very thought-provoking for me, and my solidarity-induced anger over the stories women shared in the hashtag has shifted a bit to focus on how we can open up better, more productive, respectful dialogue. (It was also interesting to read the comments and see how the article is resonating with many men.)

This Thing Bigger Than Us: Creating Sacred Space via Autostraddle (h/t to Amy for the link)
"As kids, we naturally find places of peace and wonder. Whether you loved to lie out on the trampoline in the backyard or in the fort in your closest, you too had a special place that allowed you to take a break from the world and daydream. Adults often lose that place unless it is built into their religion or culture. Ideally, you can create a space you go to everyday even if it’s a bench in the park or a cushion tucked in a corner of your room."

The Case Against Sharing: On Access, Scarcity and Trust by Susie Cagle on Medium 
This is an interesting critique of the "sharing economy" (think: businesses like AirBnB, Uber, Lyft, etc. whose business model is based upon peer-to-peer exchanges of goods and services within a connected community). While these models create opportunity for individuals outside of traditional employment, this article brings up a lot of interesting points about the impact on industry workers, and questions who is able to participate in these communities when factoring in issues like racism and socioeconomic class.

Get cultured: resources for staying savvy by Cassie of Witty Title Here
Ever since I graduated from journalism school and no longer have weekly quizzes on current events to keep me up to date, my knowledge of what's going in the world dropped off quite a bit. I love these resources and want to make a better habit out of being an informed citizen again.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the link love, Caiti! It's really easy to fall out of touch with current events. (I've been sooo guilty in the past.) Glad you found those resources helpful. :)
