I'm busting out all of the pinspirational mantras today.
Great people do things before they are ready.
The magic happens outside your comfort zone.
The world does not award perfectionists, it rewards people who get things done.
It will get easier.
It's not about perfect, it's about effort.
There's power in looking silly and not caring that you do.
It's not the critic who counts. It's not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled. Credit belongs to the man who really was in the arena.
You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.
Let me repeat that last one.
On that note, I'd like to share my newest endeavor—The Book Wanderer, a Youtube channel devoted to all things literary and bookish. It's something I had put on my list of goals for 2014 and have been planning for a long time. Over the past few months I've worked on it here and there, learning a bit about editing, filming the opening/title sequence, and buying a microphone to compensate for some lousy in-camera audio.
But, repeatedly, I would put off filming an actual video. You know, of my face. On camera. Where I would have to talk and sound eloquent and look pretty and polished with shiny smooth hair and poreless skin (I've clearly been watching too many beauty gurus). And strangers would WATCH this video of my face. I am someone who doesn't even like her own birthday because I hate being the center of attention that much. Video may seem like an odd match for someone like that, but there was still something pulling me to at least try—most likely it was the Booktube community itself, which seemed like a fun place full of people as equally obsessed with books and reading as myself. And it's just not very satisfying to constantly be lurking in these online communities rather than participating.
It's impossible for me to be entirely criticism-free about this first video. I know I'm not as comfortable as I'd like to be, especially in the first half. I cringe when I feel like I'm coming across as spacey or awkward (oh why did I say the word boobies within the first minute?). I see how I tend to speak slowly at times because I'm trying to be deliberate with my words—and somehow I still repeat myself. And can we talk about how badly my Coke bottle glasses distort my face?!
Even with all of those thoughts, I'm posting my first Youtube video here on my blog. *Cue the nerves.* My normal M.O. would be to not share any videos until I get to the point where I feel proud of them, but that could be forever and kind of defies the point of getting outside my comfort zone/doing things before I'm ready/etc.
This is just the first step, hopefully of many.
I have time to figure out what makes my hair look less frizzy on camera
(and if I don't, I'm not going to be run off the internet).
It will get easier.
I will get more comfortable and less awkward
(or at least become more comfortable with my awkwardness, because it's honestly probably not going to go away).
I will continue to try.
I would be so happy to have your support in this new project. If you would like to subscribe to my Youtube channel, you can do so here. I won't be posting every video here on the blog, so if you'd like to stay up to date, your best bet is to subscribe. As I mention in the video, I have a ton of ideas for this new channel—Booktube standards like tags, book reviews, discussions, and the occasional haul, but also some (hopefully) unique and creative content as well. Maybe even a travel vlog or two with my upcoming European trip.
Thank you for taking the time to read, and to watch :)
I'm off to go hide under the covers for the rest of the day okaybye.
Love it! It is totally intimidating to put anything on Youtube these days because of all of the potentially cruel people out there but... I think they are the minority and our fears about them are far greater than how many of them there are :) About 5 years ago I tried to do a few cooking videos but they weren't nearly as well-filmed/edited/lit as this one. Which camera are you using? Looking forward to watching more :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Vanessa! I've gotten nothing but nice comments from everyone so far, so that's really helping me get over my nerves about sharing :) The Booktube community is really nice and friendly, so I'm not too worried about mean commenters, especially at first when I don't have many subscribers :)
DeleteCooking videos sound like fun! I actually hope to film some cooking videos-- with a bookish twist ;)
I have a Canon 60D; that's what I use for all my blog photos too (though it's been mainly Instagrams lately!). I credit most of it to my lenses though-- I have a Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 and a Sigma 30mm f/1.4. I'm using the Tamron right now since I dropped the Sigma and need to get it repaired.
P.S. I think it's so neat to see bloggers in video form and to see a live, moving face and voice behind the writing you've been reading for so long.
ReplyDeleteI love that too! Now that I've seen videos or heard podcasts/recordings from so many bloggers I enjoy, I totally read their blog posts in their own voice, if that makes sense :)
DeleteFunny enough, that was something that was making me self-conscious about posting my own video... What if I sound or act so much differently than my blog friends expect?! But that's silly and dumb because I sound how I sound and look how I look, and that's not going to change whether I post a video or not, haha :)
I loved your video! I'm not active on YouTube but I subscribed and will try to keep up. :)I still read while I'm walking at work every day. People give me weird looks but I don't care. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for subscribing! :)
DeleteSqueeze that reading in whenever/however you can -- so great! I sort of miss commuting on the train to work because that was easily 45 minutes of built-in reading time everyday.
That video was so great! I absolutely love how you edited and produced it. I am not at all familiar with Book Tube, but I think it's exactly what I have been looking for. I'm definitely someone who needs to talk about my feelings with books and haven't been able to find a local book club. I'm looking forward to seeing more!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I have a feeling I'm going to like learning about editing a lot.
DeleteAnd "booktube" is just the casual name for people who vlog about books on YouTube and the community that has come out of that. I'll probably get around to mentioning some of my favorite booktubers in future videos-- there are tons of fun, bookish people to check out :)