♥ The Lies Your Mind Tells You to Prevent Life Changes... What's your excuse?
♥ The Scourge of "Relatability." This article was so thought-provoking and has really made me think twice about elevating the value of a book/film/blog post/etc. simply because I find it "relatable." As readers/viewers/consumers, isn't it equally important to seek out perspectives and experiences different from our own, to empathize with a point of view even if we don't see ourselves mirrored in it?
♥ This is such an important reminder: On Ferguson and the Privilege of Looking Away. "... looking away is a privilege, one that many of us participate in with overwhelming regularity without even realizing it [...] The privilege of looking away is part of the bigger problems. We lack so much understanding of these situations, of how to communicate with the people affected by them, because we have been looking away for so long." {Contrast the above blog post with the cringe-worthy attitude of some white people in Missouri—saying things like, “I feel for everyone involved,” said Shannon Shaw, a jeweler in Mehlville. But, she added, “I think the protesters just need to go home.” And another man: “I think it’s a crock of stuff, myself.” I'm honestly not sure what to say or do whenever awful situations like this happen, but at a bare minimum, I try my best not to look away, to listen to people's stories, and to continue to educate myself. Related: 12 things white people can do now because of Ferguson.}
♥ Another honest and insightful post about on race from a wonderful blogger, Karen Walrond of Chookooloonks: I am affected.
♥ Books are the one part of my life where I am SO not a minimalist, and this post from a reader who doesn't buy books made me think twice about my book hoarding habits.
♥ There's a lot of truth to this post: 7 Things People with Anxiety Want Their Loved Ones to Know.
♥ The importance of sex positive YA books—expressing "the attitude that consensual, responsible sexual activity is healthy and normal whether or not you’re doing it." The comments are good too. {Further reading: Female Sexuality in YA Fiction, which touches on additional topics like virginity by choice, masturbation, prude shaming, and diversity.}
♥ Meet The Generation Of Incredible Native American Women Fighting To Preserve Their Culture. {Side note: Why is this on the Marie Claire UK site and nowhere to be found on Marie Claire US? That bums me out.}
♥ Love Erin's perspective on the frequent declarations that blogging is dead: Storytelling never dies.
♥ No surprise here, but I'm completely smitten with this fashion blogger and her gorgeous Ireland backdrop (Thanks to Nnenna of Star Crossed Smile for leading me to that blog!)
♥ Some thoughts on e-brain and digital overload and prioritizing the information that's most important to us: "Let’s edit our digital consumption like we’d edit our wardrobe. Only keeping what fits, what serves a useful purpose, what’s suitable for our lifestyle, and what we absolutely love."
Podcast Loves:
♥ Elise Gets Crafty - Episode 023, On focus and what to do when you have "too many ideas." This is a big issue for me, so I really enjoyed hearing Elise's take on it.
♥ WTF with Marc Maron - Remembering Robin Williams. Oh, boy. This is a tough one, from the candid, heart-felt reflection of Marc's introduction to the interview itself. Marc's ability to ask questions that open up his guests is remarkable, and this is no exception. This interview gives insight into Robin William's struggles in a way I haven't seen/heard anyone else do.
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